Saturday, October 19, 2013

Gender Roles

Gender roles amongst this generation are becoming unclear and it just may very well be causing problems within families. You are either born male or female; there is no in between. Children grow up depending on their parents to teach them male and female roles. Down below there is a YouTube video that talks about how children at a young ages know that women are supposed to be nurturers, and that men are supposed to be protectors, providers, and presiders. They know the difference between man and woman, and they know for themselves whether they are boys or girls. The environment plays a great role in influencing someone to choose to be gay or lesbian; it is clear that you are not born gay or lesbian; it is a choice you make later on after being born.

The second video talks about how we live in a generation of dissolving gender roles in the family. Men are acting as providers and nurturers as well as women acting as providing and nurturers. When this happens children grow up not learning or understanding what their roles are in future families and marriages. Families were intended to be set up so that the father takes care of the family, while the mother stays home and takes care of her children. Heavenly Father blesses parents with his children; children are supposed to be the greatest gift of all, and woman are repaying him by going to work and having strangers raise their children instead. What the point of having kids? That's not fair to the child or Heavenly Father. If you aren't going to take the time to raise your children that you have been blessed with, then take it upon yourself to not have them.

~Don't Forget to Smile!

Gender rolls-Interview with kids
Generation of Dissolving Gender Roles

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